Tuesday, November 27, 2007


... killed the cat. One wonders why.

That's all.

(This is my The-Devil-Wears-Prada moment... please observe silence for a few beers)


Anonymous said...

“Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back”
Eugene O'Neill

anon canon

Anonymous said...

hi alekhya,
i really like your style of writing. could you polease suggest some books to improve my vocabulary. i hardly read but would like to start!

Abhijit said...

Curiosity never killed the cat, it just thought it did, cats have nine lives...and curiosity, but one. I guess the cat was just feeling generous.

Betty Foy said...

@Anon: I know it's you Pakhi... jeez!

@The Rest: The Return of the Catlovers - Part 2... now airing at a theatre near you. Bring your own popcorn. Michelle Pfeiffer doesn't know the half of what she has done.