Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Brownian Thoughts

If people/things had no names, would they still be what they are or might they shape-shift into each other occasionally?

It’s strange but from the purest of motives my friends don’t talk of D any more and hence, it was only today through the offices of two non-friends that I realized how very, very funny all of it was… maybe respecting sensibilities defeats its own purpose.

It was raining today and so hundreds of people were bartering shelter under awnings with willingness to buy tepid coffee. Inequity apart, most of them were either with friends or on phones. Sad. We can’t even watch the rain on our own anymore.

My niece finally called me bua. I’d be thrilled if only she signified some differentiation in pronunciation with respect to that and a dog’s bark. However, the enunciation was directed at me and she’s too young to be consciously abusive. Hence I hope for the best. Also she’s started walking… though she might still be asked to pull up for drunken tottering. At least it's a start.

One day I’d have earned enough to walk into a bookstore, browse authors, and buy the entire oeuvre of a likely candidate. I’m comfortable being shallow, thank you very much.

Mid sems are history today… which leaves me with a couple of projects, one and a half couples of presentations, preparing for interview. Etcetera. And some fries to go with it. Now is therefore the perfect time to watch Pulp Fiction. Exit, stage right... watch out for the third step.

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