Saturday, November 7, 2009

A re decedunt

This website now has an official seal, i.e., this. Characteristically, it has an inverted Medusa, red-and-black, vague cacophony of semi-mythological symbols, and random latin. I mean c'mon... what else does a seal need, right?

What this means for you is that you can now get an official seal of approval from me. So incentive for y'all to play nice.


Kirra Serra said...

'Seal of approval'? Uff!

D said...

Yeah. Uff! again.

@Kirra wrt 'C'. You can torture anyone with an internalised wren & martin with tactics like that.try This and syntax/spelling experiments .thank Me later.I kinda have a knack of doing that without putting in any effort.Comes naturally.

freefallcon said...

send me a photo of you. i can probably do something better in photoshop.

Kirra Serra said...

Hahahahahaha! Good one!

Kirra Serra said...

Tell me, love (blech!), why do we not hear 'nymore from the worldly-one?
Also, I much prefer your previous picture. Your face wasn't in as much close-up.

Kirra Serra said...

Okay, now you are just out of excuses. Blog already!

W.C.Camp said...

I think I saw that seal on the back of a pack of BlackJack cards in Vegas! Ha - nice seal! W.C.C.

Kirra Serra said...

@ Camp- yup, very typically Betty.

Abhijit said...

why does medusa not have snakes? her hair looks like the pitchfork bearing pop-devil tail. and 'seal of approval'...enna???