Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Day Joseph Kesselring Rode Again

Scene: Some day, some show, some kids... the mommies want the mommy-ers to lisp shaggy dog stories...

Kid A: There was a cat. No... actually there were three. No no... from the beginning ok? There were three ants. One was gray, one was white, and one was... uh... (the mommy responsible pssttss-ed from the third row)... yes... one was gray, one was white, one was green. A black ant (the kid in question was too young for arithmetic... but then, aren't we all?) asked the gray aunt why it was gray and the ant (the gray one and not the black) said it was because she ate stones (even the kid knew that an elephant would be a wee bit over-the-top perhaps). Ditto the green: because she ate grass. Punchline: the white: because she used Fair and Lovely. "Thank you".

Kid B: There were three ants. They planned for three days to eat a snake. The snake came and ate them. I want toffee.

I, for one, laughed. Fluoride and Old Bobbin, if ever there was one: with her heart in the right place.

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